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Life cycle assessment, evaluation, programming and more


Life cycle assessments / Life cycle analysis (LCA)


 Projects ...

The evaluation of products - especially of agricultural origin - by means of Life Cycle Assessment is an important pillar of ecolysis Ltd..

As an employee of the Swiss agricultural research station AGROSCOPE, Peter Koch was responsible for the operational management of the AGRIBALYSE 1 program (2010 to 2013) in collaboration with the INRA UMR-SAS. AGRIBALYSE was a multi-year program aiming to develop a comprehensive life cycle assessment database for French agricultural products. Within the framework of this project, he coordinated the realization of life cycle inventories (LCI) for the plant production sector, contributed to the methodological developments of the models for the calculation of direct emissions and was responsible for the programming of the life cycle inventory tools. Based on existing Excel files, Peter Koch developed three collaborative tools and adapted them to the agronomic specificities of France: one tool for data entry, one for the conversion and calculation of LCIs (data processing chain), and one for the comparative and systematic presentation of results.

Evaluation and monitoring


 Projects ...

Peter Koch has extensive experience in the field of external evaluation. As a partner of econcept, he was project manager of several external evaluations of "new public management" programs, that is programs aiming at introducing result-oriented administrative management. As an employee of the evaluation department of the University of Zurich, he also developed and improved questionnaires for employee and student surveys, was responsible for conducting and analyzing various online surveys and organized the evaluation process (including peer reviews) of several university institutes.

Database management and application programming



Peter Koch has proven his IT-technical know-how in many projects, among others by programming various Excel tools for data processing or data transfer to MySQL and Access databases or in data migration using XML/XLST/X-Query.


Peter Koch

Peter Koch

Owner & Director

EcoLysis Ltd. was founded in 2021.

EcoLysis Ltd. is a consulting company specializing in the scientific analysis of environmental issues and sustainability topics, in program and project evaluation as well as in program-supported data processing.

Peter Koch has acquired this broad range of expertise through his many years of professional experience as a consultant. His services are aimed at public administrations as well as private companies and organizations.

Before 2021, Peter Koch worked under the name of Koch Consulting.

Current projects

ecolysis is currently active in the following projects, among others

Impact monitoring Innosuissse

Monitoring the impact of project promotion

On behalf of Innosuisse

The working group ecolysis Ltd./econcept AG carries out the impact monitoring of project promotion on behalf of Innosuisse. The project includes the development and implementation of online questionnaires. Every quarter, all completed innovation projects supported by Innosuisse are surveyed. Every six months, innovation projects that have been completed in the last three years are surveyed. The survey data are transformed into reports which are made available to Innosuisse on a quarterly basis.
Project period: December 2020 to January 2023.


Biodiversity value index at AGRIBALYSE

On behalf of ADEME

In collaboration with Prof. Jan-Paul Lindner (University of Bochum) and Horst Fehrenbauch (ifeu), ecolysis is developing the basics to integrate the impact of biodiversity in the LCA result of the 2500 food items of the AGRIBALYSE v3.01 database by means of the impact assessment method BVI (Biodiversity Value Index, see Lindner et al.). Project period: April 2021 to Juni 2022.

Project Colare

LCA of reusable glass for three Corsican beverage manufacturers

On behalf of Citeo/ADEME

At the request of SAS Ante Strada, Citeo and ADEME, ecolysis is carrying out a comparative LCA of the beverage packaging systems "single use and recycling of bottles" and "reuse of bottles with a deposit system" within the framework of the COLARE project and with a view to setting up a "washing and reuse of bottles" system at three Corsican beverage producers. Project period: May 2021 to Mai 2022.

Project list

Before 2021, Peter Koch realized the following mandates (under the name of Koch Consulting)

Pesticide and feed mapping
Mapping of the pesticide list of the FOAG and the EU, as well as the feed list of Agroscope to database inventories in view of their integration into the internal LCA software. Agroscope. August until December 2021

LCI support project PEREN
Technical and methodological support to the CTIFL for the project "PEREN - Performance environnementale de la pomme" in the framework of the national program GREENGO. Centre technique interprofessionnel des Fruits et des Légumes, St. Rémy de Provence, France. January 2021 to December 2022.

Methodological Analysis USETOX
Analysis of the impacts on ecotoxicity and human toxicity according to USETox and their implementation in the LCA assessment method Environmental Footprint 3.0. Service d'Agriculture et Forêts, ADEME, Angers, France. December 2020 to June 2021.

Partial review of the Agribalyse 3.0 LCA database.
Review der AGRIBALYSE v3.0-Datenbank respektive der 2'524 LCI verzehrfertiger Nahrungsmittel mit Schwerpunkt auf die Resultatskohärenz und Anwendbarkeit der neuen Bewertungsmethode „Environmental Footprint 2.0“ des JRC, ADEME, Angers, France. 2020.

LCA Recyclage Verre Corse
Design and development of a comparative life cycle assessment for glass recycling in Corsica (broken glass, reusable bottles, glass as aggregate). Together with AAC Consulting, Ajaccio. Office de l'environnement de la Corse, Corsica. 2019.

LCA Vache Tigre.
Design and elaboration of an LCA for a beef cattle farm with integrated slaughterhouse. EARL Vache Tigre, Serra di Ferro, Corsica. 2018 - 2019.

Statistical analyses and regressions BFF.
Analysis of the impact of contibutions for the biodiversity support area (Biodiversitätsförderflächen, BFF) for Swiss farms, commissioned by econcept. Federal Office for Agriculture, Bern, Switzerland. 2018 - 2019.

Impact Evaluation Start-Up Coaching.
Development of the conceptual basis for a systematized impact assessment. In collaboration with econcept AG Zurich. Innosuisse, Bern, Switzerland. 2018.

Coaching of the ACYBULLE project.
Support and advice to the ACYBULLE project team on methodological issues as well as on data/IT organization issues in view of building a systematized LCA tool for Champagne. Comité interprofessionnel du Vin de Champagne, Châlons-en-Champagne, France. 2018.

Transfer AGB à la base Impacts.
Transformation and integration of AGRIBALYSE data into the program Base Impacts of ADEME. Design and programming of an xsl tool for xml data processing, RDC Environment/ Scalian, Bruxelles, Belgique. 2017-2018.

Evaluation of the start-up support.
Evaluation of the coaching program and further development of the monitoring of the start-up coaching, in collaboration with econcept. CTI, Bern, Switzerland. 2015 - 2017.

Integration AGRIBALYSE into MEANS.
Definitive data migration of the LCA data (over 1'000 processes/products) into the AGRIBALYSE platform MEANS-InOut. Design and programming of an excel based tool for data migration into the MYSQL database. INRA Rennes France. 2016 to 2017.

Support "AGB2 - fruits et légumes".
Methodological and IT technical support of the LCA project Fruits et légumes Centre technique interprofessionnel des Fruits et des Légumes, St. Rémy de Provence, France. 2016 - 2017.

Contact point for technical problems and methodological questions of users AGRIBALYSE database (V1.0 to V1.3). Service d'Agriculture et Forêts, ADEME, Angers, France. 2014 - 2017.

IT support CanToGether.
Support in the framework of the case study analyses of the LCA project C2G (cantogether). Analysis of Excel tools developed by third parties and further development of the tools. Institute for Sustainability Sciences INH, Agroscope, Zurich-Reckenholz. 2016.

PEF/ENVIFOOD impact analysis.
Evaluation der Auswirkungen des PEF auf die LCA landwirtschaftlicher Produkte. Evaluation und Bewertung der Eignung des PEF der EU und des ENVIFOOD Protokolls des European Food SCP Roundtable im Bereich Lebensmittel“, zusammen mit Agroscope. BAFU, Bern. 2013/2014.

Recalculation and reprocessing of greenhouse gas emissions of all AGRIBALYSE processes in view of integration into the base carbone of l'ADEME. Service d'Agriculture et Fôrets, ADEME, Angers, France. 2014.

Support accounting.
Adaptation of the accounting and financial statements to the requirements according to HRM2 conception and IT implementation (Excel), on behalf of the Intercantonal Laboratory, Schauffhausen. 2014.


Do you have any questions? Please contact me!

ecolysis Ltd.
Rindermarkt 16
8001 Zurich